stoli nuts are carefully refined: by rural women's hands from Lucerne, using a natural process which already our great-grandparents knew.
stoli nuts: raw and still really crunchy!
Nuts haven't cracked like this in a long time. stoli nuts are the result of a combination of three natural processing methods. This makes them very digestible and they still contain the healthy benefits.
The Dilemma
If nuts are eaten raw, the body can only ingest part of the minerals, as nuts contain phytic acid which sticks to these minerals in the alimentary tract and thus can't be used. Moreover raw nuts sometimes are heavy on the stomach, buzzword protease-inhibitors. So the roasting reduces these problems. Is it good? No: the healthy fats and many of the vitamins are lost. And we want nuts as healthy as possible.
But it's not just about health, it's also about the pleasure. And you have to admit that raw nuts don't crack properly, and many nuts could taste a lot better.
Natural processing methods
That's where our Lucerne rural woman come into play. They know about some traditional finishing processes that great-grandparents were still familiar with. Three steps are needed for a preparation that protects fatty acids and vitamins, and for this wonderful crackling:
First step
Removing phytic acid and protease inhibitors. Using traditional methods without roasting, which take time. But that's a reason why the process is so gentle. The slight bitterness in some nuts is also reduced.
Conclusion: the nuts are easy to digest, the minerals are unthickened and are therefore freely available, the nuts are still full of vitamins and healthy fats.
Second step
The nuts that are sold as "unsalted" skip this process, for all the others the following applies: they are being salted now. But just a little bit, a touch of sea salt is enough. And don't just sprinkle it on, with a slight overpressure, the salt also gets into the nut.
Conclusion: In the end, the nuts taste pleasantly salty, not very, just right - and it is also enhanced.
Third step
Drying, slowly, steadily, at very low temperatures. The vitamins and fatty acids should not be damaged under any circumstances. To do that, we vary the temperature, thermals and humidity. Like if these nuts had been dried by a gentle evening sun.
Conclusion: Pure pleasure.
So, at the end of this three-part process, the nuts are still raw, they contain healthy fats and vitamins. In addition, the minerals are available and the nuts are easily digestible.

They are incredibly crunchy and they taste great.
They remain raw and ar not roasted.
Our process protects fatty acids and vitamins.
The minerals can be absorbed better.
They are easier to digest.